Gene Keys Evolution

What is Your Evolution?

In the Gene Keys system, your Evolution Sphere is your greatest challenge in this lifetime. It is the genetic programming partner to your Life’s Work key.

When looking at your profile, this is the sphere in the 3 o’clock position. The number in that sphere corresponds to the particular gene key uniquely activated based on your birth. And this sphere corresponds to the position of the Earth at the time of your birth.

When looking at your Evolution key, it may be a deeply uncomfortable place for you. The Shadow of this sphere is what tends to happen when you lose touch with your true self. The patterns that show up when you aren’t aligned with your authenticity.

The purpose of this placement is to inspire you to grow and develop into your most authentic self. Through acknowledgement of how the shadows show up for you, you can then begin to unlock the gifts within this sphere. 

The highest purpose of your Evolution key is to allow you to transcend your own suffering and ultimately find deep and lasting peace in your life.

You always have the power to make the shift from shadows to higher frequencies. Notice and reflect on your patterns without judgement. Breathe.

Take note of where your higher frequencies manifested in your life without you even knowing. 

This is the beauty of working with your Gene Keys, realizing that you always have the power to shift based on your perception.

For more info on the Gene Keys be sure to download our free Gene Keys Roadmap. And if you’re ready to go deeper, order your personalized DECODED guide today!


Gene Key 46


Purpose through the lens of the gene keys