EMBODY YOUR ENERGY to unleash your soul’s purpose

EMBODY YOUR ENERGY is a sanctuary for soulful, spiritual & sensitive women seeking to do life on their own terms.

Our mission is to provide clarity, reconnection, alignment, and direction; empowering you to honor your unique energy blueprint and guide you back home to yourself.

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Your soul came here for a specific purpose. Get your free human design energy blueprint and finally have the user manual they forgot to give you at birth! PLUS download the free bonus Purpose by Design eBook!

It’s time to embody who you came here to be.

By understanding and embodying your individual energy blueprint, you can authentically show up as the highest version of yourself. Break free from societal expectations, confusion, overwhelm and burnout, and step into alignment, satisfaction, fulfillment, and balance.


Energetic Embodiment

Your ultimate digital Human Design guidebook. This transformational resource will revolutionize the way to understand yourself and the world around you. Personalized to help you understand your unique Human Design energy blueprint in simple and reflective way so you can actually live your design.


Discover what lights you up

The Finding Your Purpose Bundle is here to help you reconnect with that deeper part of yourself that knows you’re here for something more. This isn’t just another download; it’s a guided path to help you rediscover your unique purpose and start living it every day.


Soul-level transformation

AEVUM will transform your life from stuck in overwhelm and putting your dreams last to finally having the deep meaning in your life you’ve always desired. Ritual, energy healing, curated embodiment practices and aligned action to help you step into your soul’s purpose.

Hi, I'm Marissa

I’m an intuitive transformation coach and energy healer. I empower spiritual, sensitive and creative women in stepping into their purpose, embracing self-worth, and breaking free from the limitations holding them back from their most aligned, authentic and joyful lives.

Your soul has a unique blueprint. Isn’t it time to unlock the power within in your DNA and come home to yourself?

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