Free Human Design Chart

Download your free Human Design Chart and finally have the user manual they forgot to give you at birth. 🤓

After downloading your chart, be sure to grab the free Purpose by Design ebook - your blueprint for aligning with the life you’re meant to live.

OR go even deeper and order the DECODED Digital Human Design Reading.


Please enter exact birth time to generate the most accurate chart. If you do not know your birth time you can generate several charts and see which resonates best.

**Your chart will include Chiron - it does not activate a gate in your chart but it is an important placement.**

Grab your free guide

After you get your free Human Design chart on the next page, grab our free Purpose by Design ebook - your blueprint for aligning with the life you’re meant to live. Get insider tips for living your purpose through the lens of Human Design.

Ready to go even deeper?

After you get your free Human Design chart on the next page, order the 50+ page DECODED Guide to finally understand your unique Human Design in a simple and straightforward way.