The Journal Vault
The curated collection of our print journals.
From human design mindfulness, to manifestation, and everything in between.
Choose your next adventure with one of our thoughtfully created journals. Whether you want to embody your energy blueprint, cultivate more mindfulness or receive more abundance, we have the perfect journal for your journey.
Discover the power of journaling today.
Human Design Journals
Get out of your head and into your design.
Mindful Moments Journal
Cultivate a daily mindfulness/meditation practice with simple-to-follow exercises.
Gratitude Journal
Simple and easy daily gratitude practices.
Dream Journal
Access your higher self and gain new insights by listening to your dreams.
Manifestation Journal
Apply the 369 Method to change your life in 99 days or less!
We created each of these journals to help support your unique journey. We wanted to create a variety of low-cost options for people to be able to reflect and tune inwards for their own answers.
Each journal is set up differently. Simply follow along and use your own intuition to know how best to utilize the journals. Some include specific prompts and/or exercises, where others will include more blank space for free writing.
All of our journals are currently available on Amazon as physical products. Be sure to check with your country’s Amazon site if you’re not located in the US.
Stay tuned for a future digital release!
Simply scroll back up to the journal of your choice and click the link to order your journal directly from Amazon.
If you’re local to the WNY area, email Marissa directly about our next pop-ups and vendor events where these journals will be available for sale in-person.
Most definitely! Our intention was to make these journals affordable for anyone. They are all under $10 (and Amazon often puts them on sale too!) So if you feel called to purchase multiple journals for friends or family, please do!